Bread Baking with E5 Bakehouse April 5th to 12th

Saturday 5th April - Saturday 12th April 2025


It's always a special joy to work with people like those good folk at the E5 Hackney Bakehouse.  They're just good guys, plain and simple.  They know what they want in terms of quality, and pursue their objectives with graft, panache  and vision, yet without ever having to compromise on their rock-solid beliefs in tradition and sustainability.   In a conveyor-belt world of insipid, identikit baking it's refreshing to see such success,  proof, perhaps, if this isn't straining the metaphor, that you can have your cake and eat it. 

And  this really is  such a deeply satisfying  course.   You will be guided by two talented teachers from E5, whose enthusiasm for their subject is matched by a deep knowledge that they pass on with great enthusiasm to their fellow bakers.  You'll come away with a real understanding of the whole baking process, as well as the techniques required to reproduce the processes at home. On the first day you'll begin with an initiation into the mysteries of sourdough, and how to nurture the precious leaven. 

It goes without saying that throughout the week there is a lot of on-going Quality Control, for few amongst us have the discipline or desire to resist the aroma of fresh-baked bread.  However, any  calory gain  is more than offset by the number of walks we have planned, and each day we encourage participants to join us on rambles across the hillsides, as long or as short as you require.  Some of these will involve foraging, for the arrival of Spring brings masses of edible leaves and herbs which our local cooks will identify and prepare for your dinner, and also fruit picking, for the trees will be full of oranges, and if we're lucky and it rains at the right time, the fields will be full of wild asparagus. 

Please contact us if you need more details

The cost for the week is 1500 euros.  Larger single rooms supplement 200 euros.   This includes all transfers (group airport tranfsers arranged) , full board and tuition costs.


Over the course of the week, there will be two full days of sourdough bread making and a half day pastry workshop.

The first day will be an introduction to sourdough. We will make three different breads: a 100% rye loaf, ciabatta-style buns and a classic country loaf using the techniques we use here in the bakery. You will learn how to manage your sourdough starter and prepare a leaven.

The second day will be a more in-depth dive into sourdough. We will make our signature Hackney Wild recipe as well as a porridge loaf and flatbreads. We will go further into the science of sourdough as well as discussing different grains and the process of flour milling.

The final half day will be a morning of pastry. We will prepare our shortcrust dough, using a variety of flour, using locally grown almonds we'll go on making a frangipane and with seasonal or preserved toppings we will bake the tarts, ready to enjoy the next days with a lovely cup of coffee or tea!

The weather will largely dictate exactly which days we make bread: if it’s particularly sunny one day, we will likely spend the day outdoors exploring the local area, guided by David and Emma.


Seven nights' accommodation and full board (breakfast, light lunch/picnic and three course evening meal) at  Las Chimeneas, Mairena.

Group airport transfers arranged for Malaga

For enquiries about the teaching and course structure, please contact the bakery on

Please contact us for group transfer times and recommended flights.
A deposit of 200 euros is needed to confirm your place which can be paid by bank transfer or by sending card details. 



ARTICLE IN THE GUARDIAN 2019... just to whet your appetite! 



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